Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Road Rage...! Wanna put you in a cage :P You ROMORONS

This is no blame game! But, do people actually look back and think about how they are sometimes responsible for someone's bad day??

The day started with an hour of yoga and the relaxation that it brings. Started the day with a feeling that the day would be just great. But no! You see, you really cant control the morons around you!!

All of us work..all of us have to reach office on time...isn't it? Why don't these "so called" literates understand this?  First, the roads are pathetic...thanks to our own elected politicians. Second, the traffic because of the roads and MNCs all over the city. 

You cant even go across the road from one end to another end, if there is no home guard halting the traffic every now and then. What will a person lose by waiting for someone to pass for about 30secs..Is that too much to ask?

Everyone know, its wrong to overtake another vehicle from the left. But still, they do! All you educated morons, those rules are not just blind laws, there goes some sense behind making those. The rick driver that I was commuting in while coming back from office, was driving as if he was going to die in the next hour! Dude, get a life!
It doesn't take a moment to lose your life and you have no right to play with your passenger's life or the people on the road.

The horrifying accidents that keep happening on our roads makes me wonder.........

Accident literally means- An unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in damage or injury.

Do you see that?? Its an unfortunate incident, but I really don't think what happening these days are accidents!!
They are crime committed because of NEGLIGENCE!!!

Morons on road!! I would like to call them 'ROMORONS' --Morons for whom common sense is very uncommon while driving!

Coming back to my rick driver, he almost hit a lady who was trying to go across the road when the signal was red!! Come on! I really don't understand, what is the hurry when you know you have to wait gor the signal to go green??? Stupidity redefined!

And the solution to all the problems on the road is pretty simple. My funda is, take control of things you CAN! There's no point in whining about things not in your hand or control.Right?
Well, let me prove my point.

The smallest first step we could take is, First, Take your common sense along with you while driving. Its not very heavy!! To avoid repercussions of your negligence for yourself and others.

Second, We have all rights over having good roads! Don't we? So, think not twice but ten times while casting a vote.

Instead of this, we give up and whine about bad roads and traffic and ROMORONS!!

Reached home witnessing road rage but, ended the day with the soothing words of my husband, so smooth...definitely not like roads in bangalore :) :) lucky me!! :P


Sthiramathi aka Seizonsha said...

Ur very right...and a well coined word that one "Romorons"...and yes...people need to just use their common sense...why is that such a difficult thing is hard to understand..it just frustrates others around such romorons! All these romorons should be locked up and never allowed to drive again ;)

Sthiramathi aka Seizonsha said...

And well...what are loved ones for?
How nice it would be if everybody thought about their loved ones when driving...I mean care for the ppl on the road!

Sthiramathi aka Seizonsha said...

And well...what are loved ones for?
How nice it would be if everybody thought about their loved ones when driving...I mean care for the ppl on the road!